Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Great start!

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged about camp. It has been a whirlwind the last few months, but things are going great! We have met some really fun girls who are committed to improving their health by working hard at exercise.

Workouts are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Salem in Ladue UMC at the corner of Lindbergh Blvd and Hwy 40/I-64. It's the perfect location being right in the middle of St Louis suburbs--very easy to get to and a quick drive home. The 5:30am-6:30am workout hour make it perfect for all women from SAHM's to career women to get a great workout then get home before the day really starts. Also, since it is only women, it's a safe place to give it your all without any concern for others watching you sweat. :)

This is our first summer to do ABC, and I'll have to say it has been an adventure. We have been blessed with dry weather each morning, and there have been only a handful of days where we were hot to start. Most mornings there is a breeze to help cool us off. However, even on the most humid days, it is MUCH COOLER in this early hour than any other time. Think about it--if you wait to exercise outside until after work, the city heat will bake you. City heat? Yes, the heat radiating off the brick buildings and pavements from being in the sun all day. So early morning is definitely the time to be outside in the summer!

One deliberate change we've made recently is to limit our class size to 12 women. Some bootcamps get huge--up to 40 or 50 people. While I am certainly capable of handling a class that large, I am more committed to giving each Camper the attention and direction she deserves.

Right now we're in Week 2 of Camp 4. Hard to believe! Usually there is only one week off between the 4 week camps. However, in August we will break for 2 weeks. We come back in full swing with Skinny Jean Camp starting August 23. Bring me your skinny jeans--you know, the ones you've kept because you'll fit back into them one of these days. We'll get ready for the fall season by getting into your favorite pair of jeans! Won't that feel good!?

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